Located in East Fremantle, in a prime location near sporting facilities on a traditional large lot for the area, this is an East facing site providing a good Northern solar access.

The images show 2 homes being built on the one site and the designs have special needs access and requirements in mind throughout. And, they've been designed as multi-story, including the provision for elevators, allowing unique access to 2 story living.

These homes will provide the highest level of comfort for the home occupiers with solar passive principles providing all year round natural light and sunny spots.

Incorporating a traditional design style to blend in with local Architecture, the homes are designed to provide privacy and security, but with an open friendly feel.

The builder and owner wanted to adopt a Passive Haus level of performance incorporating the Western Australian lifestyle of outdoor living and entertaining in a sustainably responsible approach, while adopting new technologies to ensure low ongoing running cost to the occupants

The build time is 4 weeks and includes both homes to roof on for the SIPs works and the build for both 2 story homes is 5 months for completion.
