4. How are SIPs used?

The panel’s exceptional strength means that SIPs systems can be used in the residential, high-rise apartments, hotels and leisure, education, light industrial and commercial sectors.

SIPs floor panels are a popular option where buildings need to be lifted above ground on a post and beam (stump and bearer) system. The panels’ strength provides a very high thermal performance floor system that can be installed within hours.

Most of our projects also use SIPs for internal wall panels because of their construction speed, acoustics and energy-efficient properties.

Any range of finish can be applied both internally and externally.

Frequently asked questions

Below is a list If of frequently asked questions to provide you with more information and answers about SIPs. We strive to give you the best experience possible. Click or tap on a question below to view the answer.

Structural Insulated Panels (SIPS) are strong, pre-manufactured, highly insulated construction material used to create floor, wall and roof panels. They are a strong, affordable, energy-efficient and environmentally responsible building solution.

A SIPs project is constructed by assembling pre-manufactured panels, which are heavily insulated, removing the need for additional insulation.

The panels are extremely strong and can be used for floors, walls, roofs and internal and external walls without the need for a traditional timber frame.

Once assembled, it is easy to apply wall and roof cladding to any finish.

Each panel comprises two outer timber facings and a central polystyrene foam insulation core. The outer facings are Oriented Strand Board (OSB/3) and are engineered using timber from the routine thinning of managed timber plantations. The OSB is manufactured using a formaldehyde-free bonding method.

The polystyrene insulation core is safe, non-toxic and manufactured in a low-energy steam process using a fire retardant. The boards can be recycled.

As a composite unit, the panels are an exceptionally strong, lightweight, air-tight, highly insulated and energy-efficient building material.

SIPs panels have a unique cassette joint and are glue together during assembly to form an air-tight unit. The glue is a stable, long-lasting, water-based compound that is safe, non-toxic and will never break down.

The panel’s exceptional strength means that SIPs systems can be used in the residential, high-rise apartments, hotels and leisure, education, light industrial and commercial sectors.

SIPs floor panels are a popular option where buildings need to be lifted above ground on a post and beam (stump and bearer) system. The panels’ strength provides a very high thermal performance floor system that can be installed within hours.

Most of our projects also use SIPs for internal wall panels because of their construction speed, acoustics and energy-efficient properties.

Any range of finish can be applied both internally and externally.

Only timber from routine thinning of managed plantations is used in SIPs panels. The timber is certified and responsibly managed through all stages of processing and production.

SIPs construction has less wastage than traditional building methods, resulting in less landfill and the waste from panel production is 100 per cent recyclable.

SIPs deliver energy efficiency through their high insulation, air tightness and low thermal bridging properties, significantly reducing energy costs. The insulation qualities of SIPs panels mean that there is no requirement for heating and cooling and the building will be thermally comfortable year round.

Yes, our panels comply fully with Australian building standards and with Building Codes of Australia.

SIPs panels are fire-rated for FRL60/60/60 and 90/90/90 and are suitable for using in bushfire prone locations. We do recommend that our technical team is contacted prior to design, particularly in relation to BAL 40 and FZ.

Ready Cut panels offer significant cost savings to the construction process. Bespoke designed builds will cost on average the same as a traditional build. In both cases, the time taken to construct is significantly faster than traditional construction methods – priceless.

There are also ongoing energy savings costs in all SIPs constructions.


  • Pre-engineered to construction standards and requirements.
  • Panels pre-cut to fit standard size doors and windows.
  • Range of roof pitches is offered for architectural flair.
  • Variety of set sizes allows practically unlimited design flexibility.


  • Faster construction on site with pre-cut panels.
  • Faster delivery as panels are held in stock (an off-the-shelf solution).
  • Easier delivery to site as panels are flat packed.


  • A more streamlined, efficient building system requiring less labour and site hours, saving on the labour cost component of the project. (Labour accounts for around 50% of conventional build cost).
  • Reduces wastage and excess with pre-cut panels.
  • A lesser range of trades is required on site, build time is faster and site clearing is minimal.
  • Less hidden costs such as scaffold and equipment hire and rubbish removal.
  • Minimises engineering costs with pre-engineered components.

SIPs' excellent insulation properties make them perfect for the hot Australian climate, as it takes three times as much energy to cool a home than to heat it.  New legislation is ensuring that Australian homes are energy efficient increasing the importance of insulation. SIPs Ready Cut™ provides a simple, fast, cost effective solution for builders and home owners.

SIPS Industries offers you the option of either supply only or supply and install.

We can work with your builder and advise them of the installation process. Alternatively we can engage our own installers.

Yes, there are. However, it is recommended all buildings have a termite treatment plan in place.

SIPs can supply to locations Australia-wide. Transportation fees do apply.

Once an order is placed and all drawings and engineering approved, SIPs aims to deliver panels to the site within six weeks.

Internally, SIPS are lined with plasterboard, and fixed directly to panels. They can also be left exposed.

Externally, any cladding system will work over a SIPs build.

Each component of our panel holds a 50-year guarantee.